The Bush Children’s Education Foundation of NSW Inc. respectfully
acknowledges the traditional custodians of the land on which we work.


Cameron & Luke's Story
"Thank you again to the BCEF for assisting with Cameron and Luke’s boarding fees, it is very gratefully received. The boys are absolutely flourishing both academically and socially at boarding school and we are very proud of their achievements. Both boys have made some wonderful friends and are extremely well supported by their teachers, support staff, and boarding supervisors."

Lilly, Grace & Hewen's Story
"Thank you BCEF for your financial assistance of our three kids whilst at Boarding School at Bathurst. It allows Lily, Grace and Hewen to participate in the cattle and sheep teams and in opportunities presented to them so they can excel in what they love and follow their passions. Lily was interviewed by Dr Harry as part of the segment on kids preparing cattle for shows. Lily and Grace qualified to lead cattle at the Sydney Royal Easter Show State Final in March 2024.”
Laynee's Story
"Laynee has had a great year at the college and has a wonderful group of friends she has met and bonded with through boarding life. Please pass on our wholehearted thanks to the sponsors of the BCEF program, as living rural does provide a challenge for our kids to be involved in activities large towns and city children have access to, but extra support allows for this gap to be filled somewhat. We feel very grateful to be a part of this community."

Alice's Story
"Alice has taken advantage of being at Yanco Ag to participate in extra-curricular courses to consolidate her learning in Primary Industries including a Crutching School, A Rural Fire Service seminar, a Working Dog Course, a 4-wheel ATV and Side by Side Safety and Working with Chemicals. Alice has been a busy and vital student at Yanco Ag, so it is with many thanks for assisting us to give her the access and opportunities that she has had in the last six years while a student at Yanco Ag.”

Willow's Story
"Willow has begun playing netball and representing the school, which she is absolutely thrilled about. Previously, it was too far to travel for sport, in addition farm work demands meant lack of time resulting in no sport. Boarding has already provided Willow with so much opportunity that we are so pleased about. Your generosity has relieved some financial stress for David and I as we navigate life, farming, and ongoing flooding. We are so very thankful for your support."
Archie's Story
"I can't tell you how grateful I am to the Board for this bursary. It was exciting to tell Archie and I could see him grow ten feet tall knowing he had been a recipient. I will most definitely update the Board with his progress throughout the year. Tomorrow is a big milestone as we have an appointment with a professional who specialises in dyslexia. This makes my heart sing."

Alice's Story
"We are so lucky that we have the assistance that we do to be able to keep sending Alice to Yanco Ag, as she is a country girl at heart and plans to pursue a career in the bush working on the land when she completes year 12. Thank you once again for your generosity."

Daniel's Story
"Thanks very much to the Bush Children’s Education Foundation for the bursary, it will be a big help to our whole family. It has also been a bit of a boost for Dan. He is accessing a wonderful learning support program that he would not be able to elsewhere. When he heard about the bursary, he was very happy ... also pleased, if not a little perplexed, that someone else believed in him also."

Kate's Story
“This Bursary is going to help us tremendously, particularly given that Kate is now in year 12 and being able to board really helps as she has a lot more time to devote to study by not travelling each day, and the after school study time gives her a lot more structure in her day. Thank you again for your support and please keep up the great work that you do helping rural families."
Benjamin's Story
"Just a short note to again Thank you for awarding Benjamin the Bursary last year. This enabled him to select and partake in the elective subjects such as Metal and Wood Fabrication and to go on the Year 9 excursion to Mt Kosciusko in December in which he enjoyed immensely. He appreciated this so much and enjoyed partaking in all aspects of his schooling and boarding experience this year. "

Bianca's Story
“ I wish to thank you so much for having the time to read my application for this scholarship
and awarding me with such an honour. By having this scholarship, it will greatly aid me with
my studies and relieve financial stresses. After graduation, I hope to travel around Australia using my degree to help animals within remote areas of Australia, visiting the small isolated towns and hopefully working on cattle stations or whatever opportunities I can pick up along
my Veterinary technology journey.”

Joanne's Story
“We feel most grateful for your generosity to our family over the past three years … .It is a reality check for Andrew and I to realise that just as loving, caring and supporting as we are…kids need friends, sport, music fun and challenges. For us … BCEF and Scots All Saints College, Bathurst are providing these.”

Parents from Louth
“Thank you once again for your kindness and generosity towards our son’s boarding fees. So many people apply and I know that not everyone is successful. For this I am very grateful.”

Thank you
“We are sending our son Peter to the College this year and are presently experiencing extreme drought conditions and financial hardship. We have deferred sending Peter in previous years due to our finances. We have a 12 year old son with cerebral palsy to whom we have devoted all our time and money in regard to travelling to Sydney for specialist treatment and therapy. Also the added costs of technology, speech therapy and special education … . Thank you for considering our application. It is so heartening to know that there are organisations which appreciate the financial strain of educating children in rural regions who are experiencing extreme drought conditions.”

Timothy's Story
“… thank you very much for the money you provided this year and last to help us send Timothy to Farrer Agricultural High School in Tamworth as a boarder. We very much appreciated it and the money was a lifesaver … …not all isolation is because of distance. In Timothy’s case once the property children had gone to boarding school … he was left with only one other child in his year … I don’t know of any parent who would leave their child at a school with such social and intellectual isolation … That other child had no academic ambition and left school in Year 8 …”

John's Story
“Please accept my thanks to you and the Board of Trustees, for the accommodation bursary granted to our son, John. This drought has set us back considerably and we’re not out of the woods yet….John is coping very well with his new school and is enjoying boarding at Allison House. The social interaction with the other children and the sporting opportunities certainly help to make up for not being at home.”
Ellie West

Ellie West was awarded our 2019 BCEF and Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem Scholarship enabling her to attend Charles Stuart University (CSU). Ellie comes from Mt Canobolas near Orange, and has completed a Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Primary) at CSU Bathurst.
Read Ellie's Thank you letter to The Bush Children's Education Foundation
Cara Earlam

Cara Earlam was the 2018 BCEF Scholarship recipient at Charles Sturt University. Cara is from Country NSW and has completed studying Veterinary Science and has a Distinction Average in her grade. Cara's Scholarship from the BCEF has supported her first 3 years of her degree and was extended for another year to assist her with the challenges of the Vet Science course.

Maddy Kirshner
Maddy comes from Numbla Vale in NSW. Maddy was awarded a bursary due to her family suffering extreme drought, financial hardship, sourcing feed for the stock, travel costs, crop loss, ever increasing expenses and no rain in sight and forced to de-stock.
​Maddy successfully received a bursary from The Bush Children's Education Foundation and attended Boarding School in the Riverina area in NSW completed a degree at University at CSU Wagga Wagga.
Maddy commented that “being able to actually go to Boarding School has been an experience in itself, the opportunities you get and you would never get this being back at home”. ​
Hear Maddy talk about her experience she had on the Young Endeavour.
Hear Maddy talk about what it is like to go to Boarding School.
Read the Monaro News Article on Maddy and her time on the Young Endeavour.
Alex Farquhar
In 2020 we had 45 applications for one scholarship with the scholarship being awarded to Alex Farquhar. Alex comes from Manilla near Tamworth and attended Calrossy Anglican School. He is currently studying and living in a hall of residence at the CSU Wagga Campus.

Hayley Grimson

Hayley Grimson was awarded the BCEF and Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem CSU Scholarship for 2019. Hayley was asked to travel to Sydney from Dubbo to make a presentation to the BNP Paribas Bank's Environmental Group. She was also asked to attend the Military and Hospitaller Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem Annual Patronal Church service and dinner at St John's College, Sydney University.
Her presentation at both functions provided the background to her studying Early Childhood and Primary Teaching and how critical it was for her to be the beneficiary of BCEF's support, which was extremely well received.
Hayley Grimson said
"Thank you, the Bush Children's Education Foundation, the Order of Lazuras of Jerusalem and the members of the BNP Bank for your kindness, your generosity, and the work you do for creating educational opportunities for children living in the bush."
Max Ridley

Max Ridley is one of our BCEF Alumni students. He won the World Skills Australia Championship – gained through designing fencing equipment and reinventing equipment for his family farm – Max continues to work innovatively on the family farm.